Palo Alto's
Independent Fee-Only
CFP® Registered Investment Advisor
Committed to a Fiduciary Standard
Celebrating over 26 Years Serving Clients

Getting Started
Please click below for welcome message:
Step by Step Instructions
1. Share your Information in Money Guide Pro
Using instructions sent under a separate email, please go to your Client Portal and click on the Vault Tab. Open folder "Money Guide Pro Instructions" to find out how to connect your accounts and share your information with us.
4. Sign your Agreement
Please go here to sign your Agreement.
Exhibit 1 will get completed once your Schwab accounts are open.
2. Share Your Documents in the Client Portal
Once logged into your Client Portal, please go to the Vault Tab and upload the following documents into the "My Documents and Statements" folder:
A. Your most recent Social Security Statement. You can find it here.
B. Your most recent tax returns.
C. Your most recent brokerage statements.
3. Complete your Life Survey
Please complete this form. If a
couple each complete separately.
6. Update your email filters
To prevent email going into spam, please add Meredith's and Kim's emails to your approved email list.